Free Essay

Syllabus Gen/105


Submitted By monia230
Words 3715
Pages 15
|[pic] |Syllabus |
| |College of Humanities |
| |GEN/105 Version 10 |
| |Skills for Learning in an Information Age |

Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description

This course introduces students to learning in an information-rich society. Students develop strategies for successful distance learning, time management, and for managing the abundance of information available in today’s society. Students also explore the appropriate use of information in an academic environment. Specific topics for the course include computing skills for distance learning, online library use, academic honesty, and the development of effective study skills.


Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents:

• University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.

University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality.

Course Materials

Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S. L. (2011). Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

All electronic materials are available on the student website.

|Week One: What Is Distance Learning? |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives |Examine the concept of distance learning. | | |
| |Recognize vocabulary associated with distance learning. | | |
| |Use course forums appropriately. | | |
|Course Preparation |Read the course description and objectives. | | |
| |Read the instructor’s biography and post your own. | | |
|Reading |Read Appendix A regarding the final project requirements. | | |
|Reading |Read Appendix B. | | |
|Reading |Read Appendix C. | | |
|Tutorial |View the Glossary multimedia, available on the student website. | | |
|Glossary | | | |
|Tutorial |View the Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Learning Infographic, available on the student website. | | |
|Asynchronous vs. | | | |
|Synchronous Learning | | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Resources: Appendix D, Glossary multimedia | |30 |
|Distance Learning | | | |
|Vocabulary and Course |Imagine that you are trying to explain distance learning to a friend. | | |
|Forums | | | |
| |Write a response of 200 to 300 words to explain how courses work at University of Phoenix. Use| | |
| |each of the following terms at least once in your explanation: | | |
| | | | |
| |Threaded discussion | | |
| |Electronic forum | | |
| |Asynchronous communication | | |
| |Feedback | | |
| |Online | | |
| |The Internet or the web | | |
| |Participation grade | | |
| | | | |
| |Create a list of the forums in a typical University of Phoenix online course. Indicate which | | |
| |forum you would place the following messages into: | | |
| | | | |
| |A message intended for your instructor concerning feedback you received on an assignment | | |
| |A message responding to a classmate’s bio | | |
| |A message replying to a discussion question or discussion thread | | |
| |A message about a classmate’s hobby or outside interest | | |
| |A message about clarifying assignment instructions | | |

|Week Two: Your Personality and Learning |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Analyze your personality spectrum profile and competencies to identify ways to maximize | | |
| |success in distance learning and professional environments. | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Complete the following activities in Pearson’s MyStudentSuccessLab. | |30 |
|Learning Preferences | | | |
| |Practice 1 | | |
| |Practice 2 | | |
| |Practice 3 | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer the following questions in at least 100 words each: | | |
| | | | |
| |Describe your strongest dimension on the personality spectrum. | | |
| |Describe how each practice activity reinforced or contradicted something about yourself | | |
|Individual |As part of this assignment, you will use tools in the Phoenix Career Services section of your | |100 |
|Learning Styles and |student website. These Career Plan Building Activities will help you build a personalized | | |
|Competencies |career plan that you can use throughout your program at University of Phoenix. For additional | | |
| |information, review the My Career Plan Student Guide, located on the My Career Plan website. | | |
| | | | |
| |Complete the Multiple Pathways to Learning assessment and the Personality Spectrum assessment | | |
| |in Ch. 2 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
| | | | |
| |Navigate to the My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services through the link on the student | | |
| |website. | | |
| | | | |
| |Complete the Career Interests Profiler and the Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies. | | |
| | | | |
| |You must complete these activities to proceed with the activities in later weeks. | | |
| | | | |
| |Relate the various Career Plan Building Activity results to your personal study habits. | | |
| | | | |
| |Respond to the following questions in 350 to 700 words: | | |
| | | | |
| |Did your personality spectrum profile and competency results surprise you? Why or why not? | | |
| | | | |
| |How can you alter your study techniques to take advantage of your particular abilities and | | |
| |competencies as determined by these activities? | | |
| | | | |
| |How can knowing your abilities and competencies from the My Career Plan help you prepare for | | |
| |professional environments? | | |
| | | | |
| |How would you approach collaborative work in the future given what you now understand about | | |
| |your competencies and abilities? | | |
| | | | |
| |What is the relationship between your competencies identified in My Career Plan and your | | |
| |results on the personality spectrum profile? | | |
| | | | |
| |What can you do to improve on the competencies needed for your career goal? Review the | | |
| |competency development tips for assistance with improving competencies. | | |

|Week Three: General Internet Skills |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Use the Internet for academic purposes. | | |
| |Recognize the appropriate way to communicate with different audiences. | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Complete the following activities in Pearson’s MyStudentSuccessLab, located on the student | |30 |
|Analyzing Internet |website: | | |
|Sources | | | |
| |Practice 1: Understand What's Important: Information Literacy Basics | | |
| |Practice 2: Act on What's Important: Critically Analyzing Internet Sources | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer these follow-up questions in 100 to 150 words each: | | |
| | | | |
| |What are the three or more best practices you learned about using the Internet for academic | | |
| |purposes? How do you think you might use them? | | |
| | | | |
| |How can you determine if the information on a website is reputable and worthwhile for a | | |
| |research paper? | | |
|Individual |This assignment consists of three parts. You must complete each part. | |80 |
|Communicating for | | | |
|Distance Education |Part 1: | | |
| | | | |
| |Resource: Appendix C | | |
| | | | |
| |View the Casual vs. Academic Writing presentation: | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Think about how your tone, or writing style, changes based on the different types of people | | |
| |you will be communicating with online. Remember that tone is very important when communicating| | |
| |online | | |
| | | | |
| |Consider this scenario: You were in a minor car accident. No one was hurt, but you are | | |
| |nonetheless a little rattled. How would you communicate your situation to family, friends, and| | |
| |classmates? What would be different if you had to communicate the situation to the insurance | | |
| |company? | | |
| | | | |
| |Write a message of 100 to 200 words either to your family, friends, or classmates. | | |
| | | | |
| |Write a formal letter of 100 to 200 words to the insurance company. Use salutations and | | |
| |sign-offs where appropriate. | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Part 2: | | |
| | | | |
| |View the Anthony’s Dilemma story at | | |
| | | | |
| |Write a 100- to 200-word response in which you do the following: | | |
| | | | |
| |Coach Anthony on why it is important to use inclusive language when communicating in class | | |
| |forums. | | |
| |Suggest how he could have avoided his mistakes. | | |
| |Offer at least two pointers for how he could prevent these mistakes in the future. | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Part 3: | | |
| | | | |
| |Write a 150- to 300-word essay in which you address the following: | | |
| | | | |
| |Why is written tone important? | | |
| |Is there ever a time when a one-size-fits-all message is appropriate? Or should you tailor | | |
| |each and every communication you write? | | |
| | | | |
| |Recall the material from Week One about posting messages to the appropriate course forums and | | |
| |identifying the types of language that are appropriate for each forum. | | |

|Week Four: University of Phoenix and Library Resources |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Explore the technological tools available to University of Phoenix students. | | |
| |Use library databases to locate academic articles. | | |
| |Describe career resources of relevance to your academic and career goals. | | |
|Reading |Read the CWE Grammar and Writing Guides: Guidelines for Writing Academic Essays on the student| | |
| |website. | | |
|Tutorial |Complete the Avoiding Plagiarism Guide on the student website by accessing | | |
|Avoiding Plagiarism |, reviewing the provided links, | | |
| |and completing the Avoiding Plagiarism Mastery Test. | | |
|Video |Watch the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) video on the student website. | | |
|CWE | | | |
|Presentation |View the Center for Mathematics Excellence (CME) presentation on the student website. | | |
|CME | | | |
|Tutorial |View the University of Phoenix Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees infographic, located on the | | |
|Associate and Bachelor’s|student website. | | |
|Degrees | | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Navigate to My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services through the link on the student website.| |30 |
|Career Plan: Work | | | |
|Culture Preferences | | | |
| |Complete the Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preferences. | | |
| | | | |
| |Explore the resources in the Phoenix Career Services and My Career Plan. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer the following questions, in at least 350 words, about your work culture preference and | | |
| |the resources in Phoenix Career Services: | | |
| | | | |
| |Were you surprised by your results? | | |
| | | | |
| |What resources in the My Career Plan and Phoenix Career Services site did you find that could | | |
| |help you in your career preparations? | | |
| | | | |
| |How did the work culture preferences relate to your personal competencies from Week Two? | | |
| | | | |
| |Submit your answers to your facilitator. | | |
|Individual |Resources: Appendix E; University Library ResearchTutorials | |30 |
|University Library | | | |
|Research |Locate the University Library by logging on to the student website, selecting Library, and | | |
| |clicking University Library. Research tutorials are available in the menu on the right side of| | |
| |the page. | | |
| | | | |
| |Find two articles in the University Library about one (or a combination) of the following | | |
| |topics: | | |
| | | | |
| |Career planning | | |
| |Distance learning | | |
| |Ensuring academic honesty | | |
| |Effective personal goal setting | | |
| |Time management skills for college students | | |
| | | | |
| |Use a periodicals database, such as EBSCOhost, to find each article. Review Appendix E for | | |
| |information about using the databases. | | |
| | | | |
| |Practice using the Boolean and wildcard strategies you learned about in the University Library| | |
| |tutorial. | | |
| | | | |
| |Cite each article so it can be found again. You can use the Citation Generator on the Center | | |
| |for Writing Excellence site. | | |
| | | | |
| |Summarize each article briefly in 2 to 3 sentences. If there are specific opinions or facts, | | |
| |document them. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer these questions about each article: | | |
| | | | |
| |What keyword search led you to this particular article? | | |
| |Why did you choose this article over the others the keyword search also found? | | |
| | | | |
| |Post the article information and summaries for both articles. | | |

|Week Five: Academic Honesty |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Recognize how academic honesty applies to a distance learning environment. | | |
|Tutorial |View the Infamous Plagiarism Cases multimedia on the student website. | | |
|Infamous Plagiarism | | | |
|Cases | | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |The consequences of plagiarism may include a student receiving a failing grade for an | |30 |
|Detecting Plagiarism |assignment or failing an entire course. In serious cases, faculty may also choose to report | | |
| |instances of plagiarism to administration. | | |
| | | | |
| |To detect plagiarism, faculty members use the Plagiarism Checker, a service provided by the | | |
| |Center for Writing Excellence. | | |
| | | | |
| |Resources: University Library and Plagiarism Checker | | |
| | | | |
| |Retrieve “Lab Courses Go Virtual” by Thomas F. Edgar. Copy and paste the article into a | | |
| |Microsoft® Word document. Save it to your desktop. | | |
| | | | |
| |Imagine you are an instructor who received the article above as an assignment. The student | | |
| |claims to have written the article, but you know it was plagiarized. | | |
| | | | |
| |Submit your Microsoft® Word copy of the article to the Plagiarism Checker and view the | | |
| |results. Note: You will not be penalized for plagiarism for submitting this test paper. | | |
| | | | |
| |Post a 200- to 300-word response describing the results and what course of action you would | | |
| |take toward the student if you were the instructor. | | |
| | | | |
| |Describe the following to the student: | | |
| | | | |
| |Why plagiarism is dishonest. | | |
| |What other types of behavior constitute academic dishonesty. | | |
| | | | |
| |Incorporate the lessons you learned in the previous weeks of this course about online tone and| | |
| |writing to appropriate audiences. | | |
|Individual |Complete Appendix F. | |100 |
|Academic Honesty | | | |
|Articles Worksheet | | | |

|Week Six: Goal Setting |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Develop your personal educational and career goals. | | |
|Reading |Read Ch. 3 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
|Reading |Read Ch. 4 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
|Video |Watch the “Goal Setting” video in MyStudentSuccessLab, located on the student website. | | |
|Goal Setting | | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Navigate to the My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services through the link on the student | |40 |
|Career Plan: Reasoning |website. | | |
|Abilities and Timeline | | | |
| |Complete the Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Abilities. By completing this step you | | |
| |can further personalize My Career Plan. | | |
| | | | |
| |Create at least 5 goals, using My Career Plan, to help you reach your ultimate career goal. | | |
| |For each goal: | | |
| | | | |
| |Describe the specifics of each goal. Determine what you think the difficulty of the goal is | | |
| |and whether it aligns to your values. | | |
| | | | |
| |Break each of your goals into smaller short-term goals you hope to accomplish in a short time | | |
| |that will lead to the larger goals. | | |
| | | | |
| |List a specific deadline for each short-term goal. | | |
| | | | |
| |Describe how you will accomplish each short-term goal. | | |
| | | | |
| |Enter the goals on the timeline in My Career Plan using the “New Task” function. | | |
| | | | |
| |Submit your list of goals and a screen shot of your timeline to your facilitator. | | |

|Week Seven: Managing Time Wisely |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Formulate a plan for improving personal time-management skills. | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Part 1: Self-Evaluation | |100 |
|Time Management | | | |
| |Time-management skills are critical to academic and personal success. Conducting an informal | | |
| |observation and evaluation of your time management skills may provide insight into how and | | |
| |when you use time effectively. When you identify priorities, you can make appropriate changes | | |
| |to be a more effective time manager. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer these questions in 75 to 100 words each: | | |
| | | | |
| |How do you establish priorities? | | |
| |Who makes up your support group? | | |
| |What is your backup plan in case your computer goes down? | | |
| |How do you keep track of your assignments and due dates? | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Part 2: Log | | |
| | | | |
| |Resource: Appendix G | | |
| | | | |
| |Keep a time management log for 2 days by recording the day’s activities in Appendix G. You | | |
| |must record 12 to 16 hours for each day, along with comments. Be specific about your actions. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer the following wrap-up questions when your time management log is complete: | | |
| | | | |
| |How well do your Part 1: Self-Evaluation answers correlate with your actual time log? | | |
| |Does your log reflect the priorities you outlined in Part 1? If not, what changes do you have | | |
| |to make? If so, discuss why. | | |
| |Can you use what you do with your time at work or home to help with school, or vice versa? | | |
|Individual |Review your completed career plan from Week Six. | |30 |
|Career Plan: Timeline |Locate your job search tasks from My Career Plan. You will find this the left hand side of the| | |
|Review |screen, if you click the “+” sign next to “Careers.” | | |
| | | | |
| |Review timeline entries on your career planning timeline. Adjust any dates necessary to ensure| | |
| |you meet your career goal. | | |

|Week Eight: Reading Comprehension and Retention Strategies |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Apply reading comprehension techniques. | | |
| |Develop strategic learning skills and attitudes. | | |
|Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
|Reading |Read Ch. 6 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
|Reading |Read Ch. 7 of Keys to Effective Learning. | | |
|Video |Watch the “Memory/Studying” video in MyStudentSuccessLab, located on the student website. | | |
|Memory/ Studying | | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Apply the SQ3R method (survey, question, read, recall, and review) reading technique to one of| |10 |
|SQ3R Method |the following excerpts in Keys to Effective Learning: p. 193 (Ch. 7), p. 217 (Ch. 7), or p. | | |
| |225 (Ch. 8). | | |
| | | | |
| |Use Appendix H to describe the actions you took in each step of the process. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer the wrap-up questions. | | |
| | | | |
| |Post the completed Appendix H as an attachment. | | |
|Individual |Resource: Ch. 7 of Keys to Effective Learning | |30 |
|Reading and | | | |
|Comprehension |Read "8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation" using the SQ3R method. | | |
| | | | |
| |Answer the following questions to assess how well you followed the SQ3R method, and whether it| | |
| |helped. Note: Your grade for the assignment will depend on the quality and honesty of your | | |
| |responses and not on how successful you felt you were. | | |
| | | | |
| |What was the main point of the written piece? | | |
| |What did each section deal with? | | |
| |What questions did you ask yourself as you were reading? | | |
| |How can you change your note taking skills for the future? | | |
| |What would you do to retain this information for later use? | | |
| |How might the SQ3R method help you improve your reading comprehension and retention skills? | | |

|Week Nine: Planning for Success |
| |Details |Due |Points |
|Objectives | | | |
| |Formulate a self-help guide to support success in your future studies. | | |
|Video |Watch the “Majors/Careers-Student Views” video in Pearson’s MyStudentSuccessLab, located on | | |
|Majors/Careers |the student website. | | |
|Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |10 |
|Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | |10 |
|Individual |Resource: Appendix A | |150 |
|Final Project: Student | | | |
|Survival Guide |Consider this scenario: You are writing a survival guide to your future self several courses | | |
| |from now. Include information and advice you would give your future self to succeed in your | | |
| |courses. | | |
| | | | |
| |Compile a survival guide that will serve as a resource throughout your program. | | |
| | | | |
| |Option 1: Paper: Develop a personal action plan as a formal paper of 700- to 1,400-words. | | |
| | | | |
| |Option 2: Brochure: Develop a personal action plan as a brochure, using one of the templates | | |
| |in Microsoft® Word®. | | |
| | | | |
| |Include the following topics in your survival guide, using what you learned in class and My | | |
| |Career Plan: | | |
| | | | |
| |General internet skills | | |
| |University of Phoenix and University Library resources | | |
| |Recognizing personal competencies | | |
| |Upholding academic honesty | | |
| |Consider how you can use your career plan and other knowledge gained in this course as you | | |
| |complete your program | | |
| |Managing time wisely | | |
| |Fostering reading comprehension and retention | | |
| |Adapting work habits to fit your personality | | |
| | | | |
| |Provide the name of the author along with related content and the work’s title if you submit | | |
| |work other than yours. When referring to electronic sources, provide the link. | | |
| | | | |
| |Post the survival guide as an attachment. | | |

Optional Discussion Questions

Week One Discussion Questions

• What were your initial thoughts on distance learning before you started your program? Why did you choose distance learning over a traditional face-to-face learning environment? In what ways has your view of distance learning changed since you started your classes?

• Recall a time when you gave constructive criticism to another student, a friend, or a family member. Should giving feedback to a classmate in a distance learning environment be different from giving face-to-face feedback? How?

Week Two Discussion Questions

• What is the benefit of knowing your personal competencies and personality profile? How can you maximize this benefit in a job interview or professional arena?

• What do your personality profile and your competencies tell you about the kind of student you are? Can you change your personality profile or competencies to be a better student? How?

Week Three Discussion Questions

• What is the difference in using the Internet for general purposes and using it for academic purposes? What precautions must you take when using the Internet for school?

• What are at least three practices you should follow when writing to your facilitator versus writing to your friend? What steps can you take to ensure your writing is appropriate for the audience?

Week Four Discussion Questions

• Do you think that the technology tools provided by University of Phoenix (such as the career plan, tutorials, smartphone apps, and PhoenixConnect) will be useful to your education? Why or why not? Which tools in particular do you feel would be the most useful?

• After you have taken the University Library tutorial, provide an example of one major database and one specialized database. How is the information contained in these databases different from what you can find with a general Internet search?

Week Five Discussion Questions

• Why is it important to maintain academic honesty? What are you going to do to make sure you avoid plagiarism?

• Are there resources on the Internet that you can use without citing them? How do you know the difference between what you can and cannot use?

Week Six Discussion Questions

• Are educational and career goals different or the same? How? Is it essential to set educational and career goals? Why or why not?

• How will your educational goals contribute to your career goals? Is there an exact path to your intended career, or is additional training or certification, for example, required? Explain.

Week Seven Discussion Questions

• Locate a time management tip by conducting an internet search. How will you incorporate this tip or skill into your own time management plan?

• In terms of time management, what is the difference between a long-term and a short-term goal? How can you manage your time over long periods, such as with your personalized career plan?

Week Eight Discussion Questions

• Do you consider yourself a strong reader? Why? What are some of the negative consequences of weak reading skills? What are some of the benefits of strong reading skills?

• Throughout your degree program you will be expected to rely on academic resources for your assignments instead of general Internet sources. While these academic resources provide great information, they can be written at a level that makes reading, comprehension, and retention challenging. What are some specific steps you might take to tackle difficult-to-understand resources? What reading, comprehension, and retention strategies do you think you might use? Why?

Week Nine Discussion Questions

• What is the most important lesson you learned in this course? Why did you select that lesson as the most important?

• Were any of the lessons you learned in this course useful for your current job? Why or why not? How will the lessons you have learned in this course help in completing your program? How will they help you achieve your career goals?


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Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices.

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Gen 105 Final Project

...Using Axia’s Educational Resources The University Library is ‘one-stop shopping’ for all research needed throughout a college experience. The option to download lessons to a computer or portable devise will be a valuable time saver as I progress further in to the program. Axia has made navigating the university library very easy by making everything easy to find. The most important tool is the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE). The links are there to help expand college writings; for example, WritePoint, Plagiarism Checker, and Tutorials and Guides. Also found in the Library Resources are many resources that have accurate articles and information that I can cite as noted in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). They are broken out in major and specialized articles. The major database can be used for broad searches and the specialized database can be used for specific searches. Upholding Academic Honesty According to (2009), plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. This includes self-plagiarism. It is school policy that all works be the student’s own original thoughts unless clearly cited. The University Library has tutorials on how to cite correctly in academic works. Plagiarism is a serious offence that carries serious consequences; for example, failure, suspension, or expulsion. To...

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Wel 1 Eth Gen

...Tina Barreto Gen 105 Distance education provides a contemporary means through which the University may expand in aiding others in furthering their education. The Open Learning program is an open admission distance-only mode of study that provides access to degree-credit university courses for individuals who wish to study independently but are not interested in pursuing a degree at the University level at the present time. You may register in the Open Learning program, even if you are registered at another educational institution or program. The Open Learning program extends the academic resources of the University to those interested in personal enrichment, professional updating, or eventual application to a degree program. Open learning program students must complete the same assignments and examinations as those in degree programs and is evaluated using the same standards. Upon successful completion of a course, learners receive the same credit weight as would apply to the degree program. Students learn just as easily as in the classroom Access to other students through online communication A. Personal emails B. Classroom and group discussion boards C. Online course chat rooms Learning of proper etiquette required for posting discussions Learning computer tools A. Classroom and group threaded discussion boards B. Chat rooms C. Web-site email D. Coffee shop chatting areas Accessibility for student and instructor assistance Technical...

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Student Survival Guide

...Student Survival Guide Gen 105 August 26, 2012 Student Survival Guide I recently have learned that I have more transferrable credits than I initially thought. This means that I will be moving on from the associates program to my Bachelor’s program sooner than I expected. My classes will be shorter, and the learning will be accelerated. In order to survive the next two years, I have created a Student Survival Guide that I will use to navigate successfully through my Bachelor’s program. The following tips and practices are listed in the order that I deem important to survive my Bachelor’s program. Before I can get started on my Bachelor’s, I need to re-establish my short-term and long-term goals. I have three short-term goals that can be completed roughly within the next two years. First, I will complete each course in my program to the best of my ability to achieve the highest grade possible. Second, when I have completed all my courses successfully I will receive my Bachelor’s Degree. My last short-term goal is to find an entry-level position in my field and begin gaining experience. I have three long-term goals. My first long-term goal is to go back to college while I am working and get my Master’s degree. This may be difficult, since I will be working and raising a family while going back to school but I believe it can be achievable if I stick to a strict schedule. My second long-term goal is to complete my internship. My third long-term goal is to pass...

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My Student Survival Guide to Distance Learning

...My Student Survival guide to distance learning. By Roel Maldonado Index Introduction………………………………. Using Educational Resources…………… Upholding Academic Honesty…………….. Setting and Achieving Goals……………… Managing Time Wisely……………………. Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention…………………………………… Applying Personality and Learning Styles……………………………………….. Often when a person recognizes that in order to earn what they are worth and secure their dreams they are going to first have to secure additional skills and or education. Juggling a career and family while attending college, is difficult to say the least. Just being a college student is a challenge in itself especially at my age. Whether it is through distance learning or the traditional face-to-face way, you, as a student, are completely on your own and have no one watching over you to make sure you complete your studies. You have to have the motivation and determination to succeed. Thankfully, University of Phoenix and its Instructors have provided us with a plethora of information and tools designed to help their students succeed. This is my student survival guide for distance learning. This guide is designed to assist the busy student by compiling the essential methods and resources I have learned. Using Educational Resources ...

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...Christianity 2. The importance of these festival in Christianity Research Topic The Types of Festival in Christianity Method of Collection This research was done between the months of September through to December 2010. The instruments the researcher used to collect these data are: literature, pen, paper, and computer. The researcher used the Spanish town library to complete this data. CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate CSEC® RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2012 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council © 2010, Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold...

Words: 35172 - Pages: 141

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...Secondary Education Certificate CSEC® RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2012 CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council © 2010, Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972 E-mail address: Website: Copyright © 2009, by Caribbean Examinations Council The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 Contents RATIONALE ................................................................................................................................... 1 AIMS ................................................................................................................................................ 1 CRITERIA FOR CONTENT SELECTION .................................................................................... 2 ORGANISATION OF THE SYLLABUS ....................................................................................... 2 APPROACHES TO TEACHING THE SYLLABUS ..........................................................

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Spanish Spanish will provide you with opportunities to learn new vocabulary in context and to practice conversation by means of in-class discussions. You will also learn and practice the general guidelines of how to write a composition, including organization and structure, coherence, sentence structure, word choice, accentuation, etc. The class will be conducted in Spanish. Pre-requisite: S275, placement exam, or departmental permission. Note: This class is the equivalent of S311. If you have already taken S311, see your instructor. Daily preparation: Before class, carefully read and study the sections of the textbook (the Lectura and/or the grammatical/lexical explanations and examples that precede the exercises) indicated on your syllabus and complete assignments in the textbook as noted. Become familiar with the exercises to be reviewed/corrected in class and make a list of questions you would like addressed in class (or during office hours). Following the class, you should continue to...

Words: 3596 - Pages: 15

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...BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Course Contents for Subjects with Code: ENG  This document only contains details of courses having code ENG.   Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab          1  BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Code  ENG‐101  Year  1  Subject Title  Introduction to Literature‐I (History of  English Literature‐I)  Discipline  English  Cr. Hrs  3  Semester  I  Aims: One of the objectives of this course is to inform the readers about the influence of historical and socio-cultural events upon the production of literature. Although the scope of the course is quite expansive, the readers shall focus on early 14th to 19th century Romantic Movement. Histories of literature written by some British literary historians will be consulted to form some socio-cultural and political cross connections. In its broader spectrum, the course covers a reference to the multiple factors from economic theories to religious, philosophical and metaphysical debates that overlap in these literary works of diverse nature and time periods under multiple contexts. The reading of literature in this way i.e. within the sociocultural context will help the readers become aware of the fact that literary works are basically a referential product of the practice that goes back to continuous interdisciplinary interaction. Contents: • Medieval Period • Renaissance and Reformation • Elizabethan Period • Milton, the Metaphysical...

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107-K—Use of Law Journal and Legal Software

...YEARS LL.B. PROGRAMME WITH CREDIT BASED SYSTEM (As prescribed b y the BAR CO UNCIL OF INDI A and as per the Rules of Legal Education, 2008) Effective from the academic year 2011-12 THREE YEARS’ LL.B. POGRAMME First LL. B. Semester – I FIRST LL.B. - S EMES TER 1 (MONSOON ) PE R WE EK S UBJEC TS LEC TURE S OT HER S T OT AL C RED IT S (SE M)29 CORE COURSE 101 L aw of T ort i ncludi ng MV A cci dent And C on sum er Pr ot ecti on Law s 4 1 5 5 CORE COURSE 102 Crim in al Law P aper – I (General P rinci pl es of P en al Law ) 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 CORE COURSE 103 CORE COURSE 104 CORE COURSE 105 FOUNDATIO N 106 F SOFT S KILL 107 K Crim in al Law P aper – II (S pec ific Off enc es) L aw of C ont ract S peci al C ontr act C on sti tuti on al Hist ory of I ndi a Use of Law J ournal s and L egal S oftw ar e 1 Semester – I Monsoon Semester CORE CO URSE 101 : LAW OF TO RT I NCLUDI NG M V ACCI DENT AND CO NS UM ER P ROTECTION LAWS Objectives of the Course : Wit h rap id industrializat ion, to rt actio n came to u sed again st manu factu rers and industrial un it fo r p roducts injurious to human beings. Present ly the emphas is is o n extend ing th e principles no t only to acts, which are h armfu l, bu t also to failu re to co mply with stand ards that are continuously chang ing due to ad vancement in sc ience...

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...Everett University Standard GPS Business and Gen Ed Syllabus |REGION |Central Virginia | |INSTRUCTOR |Dr. Edward Olanrewaju | |COHORT NUMBER |MBA 3174 | |COURSE NUMBER |BSA -518 | |COURSE TITLE |Business Research and Applications | |MEETING DATES |1/20/2016, 1/27, 2/03, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 03/02, 03/09, 03/16, 03/23 | |CLASS MEETING TIMES |6:00PM to 10:00PM | |LOCATION |Innsbrook/122 | |CONSULTATION HOURS |By Appointment | |PHONE...

Words: 6895 - Pages: 28

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My Sence

...Date of Sale Seal of Bank / Institution with Address Initial of authorized sale clerk CONTENTS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Appendix I. II. III. IV . V . VI. VII. VIII. IX. List of Institutions participated in CCB(AIEEE) -2010-Counseling .......................................................... 007 Nomenclature of Disciplines in Degree Engineering & Technology/ Architecture/Town Planning (Approved by AICTE) ............................................................................... 009 Syllabus .................................................................................................................................................... 010 Addresses of selling centers from where Application Forms can be procured against Cash Payment only ....................................................................................................... 019 Instructions for completing and sending the Application Form By Post ................................................. 024 List of Cities where All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination will be conducted ................................................................................................................. 027 List of cities where on line examination will be conducted ...................................................................... 029 A. Procedure to be followed in conduct of AIEEE ...............................................................................

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Research on Books

...The Subtle Subversion The State of Curricula and Textbooks in Pakistan Urdu, English, Social Studies and Civics (DRAFT COPY) compiled by A. H. Nayyar and Ahmed Salim Sustainable Development Policy Institute Report of the project “A Civil Society Initiative in Curricula and Textbooks Reform” A project of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute #3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave I, Islamabad Mailing Address: PO Box 2342, Islamabad, Pakistan Telephone: ++(92-51) 2278134, 2278136, 2270674-6 Fax:++(92-51) 2278135 URL: e-mail: SDPI is an independent, non-profit research institute on sustainable development Partial support from Eqbal Ahmed Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 2 Contents Summary Recommendations Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Insensitivity to the Religious Diversity of the Nation Appendix 1-1: Listing of Material in Curriculum Documents Appendix 1-2: Listing of Material in Textbooks Historical Falsehoods and Inaccuracies Glorification of War and the Military Omissions That Could Have Been Enriching Pedagogical Problems in Primary Education: A Critique of the Curriculum Gender Biases Human Rights Teaching of Urdu, Class 6 to 10 Teaching Social Studies, Class 6 to 10 Peace Studies: a proposed program of studies in schools Curriculum Documents Covered Thoughts on Curriculum Objectives List of participants in the project i iii 1 9 27 53 65 77 89 95 101 111 123 127 131 135 137 139 Chapter 3 Chapter...

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Acct 429 Research Paper

...WEEK 3 RESEARCH PROJECT (Set #1) ACCT 429 DeVry University IMPORTANT NOTE TO STUDENTS This assignment is being distributed solely for your use in completing the Week 3 project in DeVry University’s online Accounting 429 class. This assignment is an individual assignment, and you are to complete it without any outside assistance by any other student, individual, or outside materials, other than those specifically permitted by the problem. Any violations of these requirements will be addressed as an academic integrity violation. Similarly, this assignment may not be shared with any other student at any time, even after your completion of the course. Students to do so may be subject to sanctions pursuant to DeVry’s academic integrity policy, even though they may no longer be enrolled in Accounting 429. Week 3 Research Project (Set #1) DeVry University Acct 429 Performing tax research is an important part of tax practice. As outlined in Chapter 2 of your textbook, tax law is developed through a number of different governmental entities. Congress enacts the tax Code as statutory law. The Treasury Department is tasked with the implementation of the tax Code and, in the course of doing so, develops a number of documents and materials to aid taxpayers in understanding the Treasury Department's interpretation of the code, including the Regulations. In turn, the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS”) has the direct responsibility for implementing the tax Code and in assessing and collecting...

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...OFFICIAL CATALOG This Catalog contains information, policies, procedures, regulations and requirements that were correct at the time of publication and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Enrollment Agreement entered into between the Student and ECPI University. In keeping with the educational mission of the University, the information, policies, procedures, regulations and requirements contained herein are continually being reviewed, changed and updated. Consequently, this document cannot be considered binding. Students are responsible for keeping informed of official policies and meeting all relevant requirements. When required changes to the Catalog occur, they will be communicated through catalog inserts and other means until a revised edition of the Catalog is published. The policies in this Catalog have been approved under the authority of the ECPI University Board of Trustees and, therefore, constitute official University policy. Students should become familiar with the policies in this Catalog. These policies outline both student rights and student responsibilities. The University reserves the right and authority at any time to alter any or all of the statements contained herein, to modify the requirements for admission and graduation, to change or discontinue programs of study, to amend any regulation or policy affecting the student body, to increase tuition and fees, to deny admission, to revoke an offer of admission and to dismiss from the...

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