Free Essay

Test Taking


Submitted By josephkp
Words 528
Pages 3
February 10, 2014
Journal Reflections

1. How do you feel about tests in general? I don’t like taking test because I always get of feeling of nervousness. My stomach gets all tied up in knots. The problem with taking test is a feeling of not remembering. It gets uncomfortable every time I have to take a test whether I study or not.

2. What are your first memories of being in a testing situation? What were your feeling, and why?
My first memory of being in a testing situation is in high school. It was finals and I needed to pass this one course to graduate. It was a course that I detested, and I was horrible at it. This course was Trigonometry. I am not good in math period, but this course was a requirement. I felt that I was going to fail the course, and it was going to be a setback. It was a depressing feeling.

3. What make a test “good” and “bad” from your perspective?
What make a test good is knowing what kind of test it, what is covered and how much a percentage is geared toward that test. How do I know that the test is good is when the instructor lets you know what is going to be on the test. A test is good when much preparation and work goes into it. The format or the structure of the test also make it good. When I think of a bad test, it mean no preparation, no work or study when into taking the test. A bad test is a test that is not put together well. The organization is not good and the test is very confusing. It can be a bad test when the person taking the test is ill-prepared. 4. What factors contribute to your success or failure on a particular exam? Which of these factors are under your control?
The factors that contribute to a success or failure on a particular exam are the preparation time, how much notes you take, completing the assignment, the amount of time you put into studying, and your physical and mental state. All of these factors are under my control because I have a responsibility to make sure that these factor are met. I also have the ability to perform up to a level that will result in success or failure on a particular exam.

5. What strategies do you use when taking tests to maximize your performance? Which have been particularly effective, and why?

The strategies that I used when taking tests are writing notes in my own words on index cards, browse through the whole test and answering those questions that are easy, making sure to go back and complete those other questions, and using a tape recorder to record my questions and answers. The one that has been effective for me is writing main points on index cards in my own words. Rewriting my notes for the test has been has really maximized my performance on taking test. I find that writing and rewriting helps me to remember and retain my notes for the test.

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