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Textile Design


Submitted By Fefe11
Words 305
Pages 2
My career : Textile Design

What is textile design?

Most people have never heard of textile design. The word textile means a type of woven material made from natural or synthetic fibers some are animal based materials like wool ,silk others are plant-based like linens and cotton.

A basic and simple explanation of textile design is to create or designs a structure of woven ,knitted and other fabrics . for example your table cloths , textiles of a towel, and the decorative elements of a carpet or rug. Textile designers process it from a raw material to a final product, which are mostly associated with clothing production.

What does a textile designer do?

Textile design can vary, designers can design many things like, textiles for clothing accessories ,fabrics and furnishings, printed paper based products .They need to under stand what the consumers want and needs and meet their requirements , before producing the design they need to sketch the idea, forecast the outcome and create a sample and then present it to the customer.

They are required to meet deadlines, they are based in an office or a studio, most of their work involve sitting in front of the computer screen. To be a good textile designer one needs to be artistic and creative , have the ability to draw and have a good attention to detail, know your market and be able to predict trends.

What jobs do textile designers do?

Textile designer jobs can be jobs such as textile/pattern designers of home ware, such as furniture items or even the interior of a vehicle . Fashion industry can include common materials such as denim or materials of costumes such as spandex , for performing , swimwear , and working with fabrics suitable for certain seasons e.g. Winter ( wool and leather) summer ( satins and cotton).

Article by
Ofentse (Fefe) Ntsoelengoe

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