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The Importance Of Effective Leadership

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Successful teams have a balance of effective leadership and attentive followership. Every team is made up of both leaders and followers both are essential for success. The idea of being a leader and leadership, in general, is complicated. Is someone a leader because of the position that they hold? Or do certain traits designate a leader? I do not know if there is a correct way to define a leader. Just because you can be a leader at one company does not automatically mean you are able to lead in a different company. The idea that all leaders share the same specific traits is too farfetched to believe. The answer may be somewhere in the middle, a position should not define your leadership ability and not exhibiting a specific trait shouldn’t …show more content…
Admittingly I never choose the leadership role. I usually see leadership as an unnecessary burden, having to manage different personalities can be troublesome. I approach team projects not with the mindset that someone needs to take control, but as an agreement that we are all responsible for a certain percentage of the work. Usually that way of thinking works, I grouped with people who work hard and do not need much direction. Sometimes you are grouped with someone who naturally takes the lead or with people who decide to free ride when in a group. My most recent role as leader occurred last semester in my social media marketing class. As a group we started great everyone was excited for the project and we got along well. As time went on I was beginning to feel that some people in the group were not contributing to the group. I did not blame them personally because they were nice people, but I was the only graduate student in my group and I felt that them being undergraduates affected the way that they act in groups. I let them know that this is a team project and I felt that I was contributing more to the group due to their slacking. There were not any factors that contributed to the way that I lead the team. We were all similar, we were around the same age and had similar interests, so it was easy to relate to everyone. When communicating to the members of this group and previous groups I …show more content…
In general group work in my graduate classes have been great, we all have a common goal and know we must rely on other people to achieve it. What makes my HR group the best experience in followership is that we all have equal responsibility for our project. There really is not a leader in our group and in a way, we are all leaders. If I suggest something the other group member lesson and value my opinion. I generally enjoy the followership role in groups I feel like I can get more done and it is easier for me to focus on the task. I do not have a bad followership experience, my role in followership has been great and I believe that is when I do my best work. I have had managers who I felt were incompetent and I have been in groups where some members are lazy, but I honestly cannot say that they were bad experiences. The role I try to play in a team is the concluder -producer role. As time goes on in group projects people tend to stray off the goal. Staying focused is one of the hardest things to do especially if the project is intensive. I feel being a concluder-producer is the best way I can help the team. My values and beliefs do not shape my experience as a follower. I just want work to be divided equally amongst the members. If I know that everyone is contributing, then I am

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