Premium Essay

Water Pollution


Submitted By HillaryOgutu
Words 930
Pages 4
Hillary Ogutu
Honors Environmental
Mr. Sup
October 3, 20113
Water Pollution
All around the world countries are fighting to keep their water clean. Whether it’s streams, rivers, lakes, or the oceans, countries have taken greater measures to maintain a high quality of water for both human consumption and as a key component to the environment. We deal with the pollution problems and then decide on ways to clean it up. This valuable resource is the key to survival; both plants and animals depend on water for their growth so it must be kept clean. The major contributors to water pollution can be classified into two categories, industrial and agricultural. What is water pollution? “It is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks uses or lives in it. “ Water covers up 70% of the Earth’s surface and makes up over 60% of the human body. Water pollution affects marine, ecosystems, wildlife health and human well being. Some of the major contributors that lead to water pollution come from industrial and agricultural. Industry is the highest source of pollution in the United States, causing for more than half of the volume of all the water pollution and also for the most deadly pollutants. Many of the industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away waste from the plant and into rivers, lakes and oceans. The industrial contains pollutants like asbestos, phosphates, mercury, lead, nitrates, sulfur, sulfuric acid, oil and many other poisonous materials. These harmful pollutants are a high contributor to many diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, dysentery and salmonellosis. Some pollutants like sodium can cause cardiovascualer diseases, while mercury and lead cause nervous disorders. Other important pollutant that can endanger marine life, is the oil

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