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Concert Report 3


Submitted By whrawyf
Words 635
Pages 3
Feelings about the concert
We have just finished attending our third concert in Fenway Center last Thursday. It’s an amazing concert, and all of us should give a performance in this concert. Since I came to America, I have attended three concerts, and I feel that this is the best concert I have attended. Comparing with those two concerts I have attended before, I have more feelings about this concert; and I want to share my feelings with you.
In this concert, each of us gave our performances as a unit of class, and our class was the first performer in this concert. We gave four shows: two chorus and two team-sings. The names of our songs were: “We Are the World”, “We are Young”, “Mama Tried”, and “21 Guns”. “We are the World” and “21 Guns” were song by our whole class, “We are Young” and “Mama Tried” were song by Nigerians. In this concert, we used many things that we learned in the class, such as for the song, “We are the World”, we used “call and response” at the end of the song. Actually, when we were practicing these songs, the effect wasn’t very good; we even couldn’t decide what songs to perform. However, when we sang in the concert, the effect was excellent, everyone sang well, and the react of the audiences was good, too. Before I sang, I felt nervous and I was afraid of forgetting the lyrics, however, when I saw the react of the audience, I felt very happy and relaxed.
The first performance went on well; other performances were also very amazing. There were many great performances in this concert, and I will choose some of those songs, which made me impressed to talk about.
The next class, which performed after our class, also sang four songs. The first song was called “And Am I Born to Die”, it sounded like the anthem in the church, and it was quiet and beautiful. They sang this song without accompaniment. This was very great. In addition, this class

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