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M1: the Role of Energy in the Body


Submitted By Mnyarko
Words 1351
Pages 6
M1: the role of energy in the body
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a source of energy for the body and the only form of usable energy in there body. ATP is what converts the energy found in food to energy our cells can use to allow them to function properly. The chemical energy of ATP can be transferred to other cellular materials or be converted to mechanical energy. The energy needed by the body is stored in the high energy bond, to release this energy and allow muscular movement, an enzyme called ATPase breaks this bond, and these leave two molecules of phosphate attached to the adenosine (adenosine diphosphate) and a free phosphate molecule. The food we eat, in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, is used as fuel for reactions in the body that make us 'alive'. To utilise these fuels for muscle action, the body converts them to a common 'energy currency', called adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), once converted to ATP, it can lose its chemical energy and it becomes ADP. We all need energy to move our body. In order to get energy, we need to eat right, then put ourselves to motivate for every day. If we have no energy in our body, we are dead by now. Glucose is a simple sugar that provides the body with its primary source of energy. This type of sugar comes from digesting carbohydrates into a chemical that the body can easily convert to energy.

The carbohydrate is broken down into glucose by enzymes in precise stages that allow energy to be released so that it can be used by the person, when glucose levels in the bloodstream aren't properly regulated, a person can develop a serious condition, such as diabetes. The process involves the random motion of oxygen and glucose from regions of higher concentration First the oxygen must diffuse from the alveolus into the capillaries. It is able to do this because the capillaries are permeable to oxygen. After it

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