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Personal and Ethical Belief System


Submitted By mommie
Words 3466
Pages 14
Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics
Cherissa Boyd
BSHS - 332 University of Phoenix
August 15, 2011
David Elkins

Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics
In the profession of human services, every professional will at some point, include his or her personal ethical standards into his or her work with clients. My personal ethics are a huge part of who I am today, and these beliefs affect every decision I make whether it is personal or professional. I believe a person’s life experiences are what shape his or her personal ethical belief system and professional ethics. A person’s morals determine what is right and what is wrong in his or her life. Everyone is responsible for his or her actions whether it is right with rewards, or wrong with consequences. Combined with these factors, worldviews also plays a huge role in the decision-making process. The framework for decisions is created from a person’s values, beliefs, morals, and personal experiences.
According to Freeman, (2000, p. ix) Ethics is “the study of standards of conduct and moral judgment; moral philosophy.” Ethics is a part of philosophy and an application of what we believe is true about our reality. Every person has a right to his or her own beliefs about what is true or not. These “Codes of ethics are designed to guide practitioners, protect the welfare of clients, safeguard the autonomy of professional workers, and enhance the status of the profession” (Freeman, 2000, p. x)
I believe my greatest influence came from my personal experiences. Although my mother tried to teach me right from wrong, she was not always available to help shape my moral and ethical development. When I was a child, seventh born of nine children to a single mother, I experienced much negativity and had many bad experiences. I lived in an environment of drugs, alcohol, and violence in my

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