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Submitted By mom2dgtn
Words 440
Pages 2
MHF Module: Investing In Mental Health

Local Mental Health Needs Handout

Respond to the questions below.

Compare your answers with someone else in class.

Which mental health needs are not being met in your community? The mental health needs not being met would be the children. Unless they have proactive parents or have already been placed in the system, they are overlooked. It is the responsibility of the parent to get the child the help they need. A lot of time the child's mental health needs are overlooked by them chalking it up to being outgoing, adventurous, or having extra energy or even that they are going through a hard time in life or a difficult family situation just happened that they are dealing through.

Which are being addressed? Adult mental health issues are being addressed. I think mainly because they are the ones that get picked up off the streets and get the help they need more or less forced upon them. The substance abuse is addressed as well as mental diseases such as psychotic, bipolar, etc are addressed.

What are your community resources? Human Welfare Division, the police department, shelters, food banks such as salvation army, religious facilities

How could you identify resources you may not know? phone book, welfare office, 211, doctor offices, health department

Who in your area is concerned about unmet mental health needs? police, human services, community leaders

What are they doing about these concerns? human services are trying to be able to treat the people that need the help. Community leaders as well as police want to make sure that if dangerous people are not wandering the streets. Police are also patrolling looking out for people that they might come across that need assistance and are able to admit them if needed to get the help that they

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