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Iso for It


Submitted By huckabuck81
Words 434
Pages 2
Obtaining an ISO certification shows that your organization has met international standards in product safety, reliability and quality. It can be seen as a strategic tool that can help an organization reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors. It also helps companies increase productivity as well. ISO certification can level the market playing field by giving those with the certification access to new markets they might not have otherwise had access. For our organization, the contracting company I work for, an ISO certification would be important if they wanted to expand to other countries. We are always looking for business opportunities and if and ISO certification would give us a leg up, I am sure our management would take that step. I imagine our customers would see our having a certification as a benefit. It would show them that we are serious about providing a great product and are willing to take the steps to prove it. As for our suppliers, it would show them that our company is serious about our business and when it came to paying our bills, we would uphold our responsibilities.
Parties familiar with the ISO certification process will know what your organization has gone through to achieve the certification. It shows them that the status quo is not what you are about. You are willing to go the extra mile to open your business up to new opportunities and that you are willing to open your business up to scrutiny as well. That shows that standards are important to your company. Standards are extremely important. If businesses don't abide by the industry standards then there is no way to hold anyone accountable. Businesses have to understand that there are repercussions for not following standards, then the business community would be a free for all. Standards provide guidelines that everyone has to follow in order to be members in good standing.
As far as whether our third party suppliers are required, I 'm not sure. Our company's website does not differentiate between ISO certified and non-ISO certified suppliers. As far as I know there are no criterion put on our source selection criteria. I would say that quality management would be the most important ISO standard to our organization. With the government as a customer, our organization takes great pride in the services we provide to the military personnel. We have to provide them with the most effective tools to take on America's enemies. We provide training and materials that have to meet the highest quality and that is something my company constantly imparts on its employees.

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